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SEO Competitive Analysis: The Definitive Guide

If you're a small business owner, you know that the key to success is finding new customers. You also know that if your website isn't optimized for search engines, it will be harder to get those customers in the door. That's why it's important for your SEO Company in Ahmedabad's SEO team to analyze the competition before launching your next campaign. 

In this article, we'll go over how to do just that—and what you need to know about each type of competitor so that you can come at them from an angle they don't expect!

Direct/secondary/indirect competitors

When it comes to SEO, you want to know who your direct competitors are. These are companies that have a similar business model as yours and can affect your rankings negatively.

Now, when we say "direct competitor", we don't necessarily mean an exact match for every aspect of their website—we're talking about similarities in the way they present themselves online and how they market themselves on social media networks like Twitter and Facebook.

For example: if there's a restaurant called Five Guys Burgers & Fries near where you live but not far enough away that it would be hard for customers in your area to find them easily (because of distance), then both restaurants should be considered direct competitors since they serve similar foods at similar prices with potentially overlapping audiences. 

However, if one of these businesses only serves burgers while another serves both burgers AND fries at different times during each day, then these businesses would likely have more indirect competitors than direct ones because there aren't many people who eat both types of food all day long like they might try out something new once in awhile - especially since most people don't tend toward becoming vegetarians overnight!

Look For New Keyword Opportunities

  • Look for new keyword opportunities. When you're doing a competitive analysis, it's important to look at the search queries that are not being targeted by your competitors. This will give you insight into how they rank in Google and what they might be missing out on.
  • Look for low-volume keywords with high commercial intent. You want to find keywords that have low search volume but high commercial intent (meaning someone is actually looking for this information). 

Look For New Keyword Opportunities

For example, if people are searching Google for "how do I set up a website?" then this means there is demand for information about setting up websites—and thus some room for growth!

Learn How They're Leveraging Social Media

  • How are they leveraging social media?
  • What types of content do they post, and how often?

Analyze Content Types

In order to understand your competition, you should analyze the types of content they publish. What types of content are they publishing? How much content do they publish? How often do they publish content? What is the quality of their content, and how does it match up with yours?

You might be surprised by how much information there is on how to write great SEO copy on websites and blogs—but not so much on how to actually do it! 

If you have hired a company that is providing you with SEO Services in Ahmedabad, make sure that they are doing it. 

For example: Are you writing blog posts with relevant keywords or synonyms in mind? Are your articles optimized for social media sharing (i.e., Facebook/Twitter)? Do you know what type(s) of anchor text links would be best for getting users excited about clicking through from one page to another within your website's hierarchy (i.e., homepage vs product pages)?

Backlink Breakdown

Backlinks are links from other websites and can be good or bad. When a website has many backlinks, it's more likely to rank high in search results.

A good example of this is when you're searching for an online business consultant in your area, and you see that one company has dozens of positive comments about their services on various forums like Yelp or Google Places (Google's local search). 

This means that the company has been able to attract customers through their word-of-mouth marketing efforts; they've effectively built up trust among potential clients and earned the right to be mentioned by others who share similar experiences with them!

 Examine Site Structure & UX

The next step is to analyze your site's structure and UX. How is it structured? Is it easy to navigate, or does it seem like a jumble of unorganized content? Does it look like a professional website, or are there some bugs in the code (like missing images)? 

If you've hired an SEO Company in Ahmedabad that knows what they're doing, ask them if they can check these things for you before moving on.

Suppose everything checks out, great! You're ready to start optimizing your content for search engines by focusing on these four areas:

  • Keyword Research: This is important because keywords are used by Google when ranking websites in search results. You'll want to choose keywords that have high search volume and low competition so that they show up at the top when people search for them online—and also make sure those same words aren't already being used by other sites in their content!

Competitors' traffic sources

The first thing you need to do is look at your competitors' traffic sources. If you have hired SEO Services in Ahmedabad, let them do it for you. This can be done by looking at the top-level domains that their sites are hosted on and then check out their domain authority (DA), which indicates how much of a keyword-focused website it is.

You also want to check out what content they're publishing, as well as how many links they have linking back to themselves or other pages on their site, like articles or blog posts. 

You'll want to see if any keywords are driving significant amounts of traffic from other sites—this will give you an idea of what kind of content resonates with users across the board before determining whether or not those same keywords play into yours!


At the end of the day, it's important to understand how your competitors are leveraging SEO and what they're doing in order to get more traffic. These are just a few of the many strategies that can help you gain an edge over them. As you can see, there is a lot of information available on the internet about SEO and how it works, but only by knowing what others are doing will you be able to beat out your competition at what matters most: getting more visitors!

Source: SEO Competitive Analysis

Source: http://seo-agency-in-ahmedabad.blogspot.com/2022/09/seo-competitive-analysis-definitive.html