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Keeping your pool clean is a lot like keeping your home clean. It requires time, effort, and the right tools. But unlike cleaning up after yourself, keeping your pool clean will have many benefits for both you and the environment; always rely on pool cleaning Melbourne professionals to get the pool clean properly.
The key to keeping your pool clean is circulation, and there are three types of circulation pumps, you must contact a pool cleaning Melbourne expert before you go with pool water circulation:
To keep your pool clean, you need to shock it. This is a process that will help you break down the dirt and grime on the bottom of your pool. It's also important to shock your pool when you have algae problems or large amounts of debris in your water.
Shock can be done either by adding chlorine directly into the water or by adding a chlorine product called an oxidiser such as Sodium Dichloro-S-Triazinetrione (NITRO).
The best way to shock your pool is with liquid bleach since it dissolves more fully than granular bleach and allows for better dispersion throughout all areas of the water.
If you use NITRO tablets instead, they'll dissolve quickly while vacuuming your skimmers and cleaning filters should make sure they don't settle on any surfaces where they might cause issues later on down the line like algae growths or metal corrosion if left behind too long before being drained out again.
Using the right chemicals for pool cleaning Melbourne at the right time of year is an important part of keeping your pool clean. Ideally, you should use a chlorine-based system to keep your water balanced and clean.
The pH balance needs to be kept between 7.2 and 7.6 for optimal cleaning results, and pH levels can be tested with a simple kit that most hardware stores sell for around $10-$15 (or less if you buy it online). Chlorine should always be stored away from children or pets in sealed containers marked "dangerous".
Pools are a fantastic addition to any home. They can provide hours of fun for the whole family, and they look great on your property. However, pools also require regular maintenance to stay clean and healthy.
If you have any questions about how to maintain your pool properly or would like some advice from an expert on choosing equipment for it, please don’t hesitate to contact pool cleaning service Melbourne!