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Getting the right contractor for your asbestos removal Geelong is crucial. There are many aspects to consider when making this decision, but these tips should help you narrow down your options and find a great contractor for your needs.
When you’re hiring a contractor, it’s important to document the process. This will help you in several ways:
Once you’ve chosen a few contractors, check their credentials. Ask your local Chamber of Commerce if they can recommend any contractors that have done good work in the area.
Check with your state licensing board to see if they have received complaints or violations against their licensees.
Your insurance company might also be able to tell you about previous claims filed against companies for asbestos removal services.
Finally, contact your state environmental agency and request copies of any inspections conducted on the property owners who hired these contractors in recent years (if applicable).
The next step is to check the company's reputation and experience.
In order to avoid any issues with the EPA, it's important to make sure that your asbestos removal contractor is registered with them and has a license.
If the company you hire does not have the proper licenses and registrations, then they may be unable to file for coverage through workers' compensation or disability insurance programs.
If this happens and someone gets hurt during removal operations, you could end up paying medical bills out of pocket as well as a large lawsuit settlement if there was an injury claim filed against you.
While it’s important to make sure that the asbestos removal Geelong company you hire is licensed and insured, don’t be afraid to ask if they have experience in other types of work.
The best companies will offer services like mold remediation and water damage restoration as well as asbestos removal services. These are all things that can come in handy when your home or business has been damaged by fire, flood waters or any other disaster.
Source From - How To Get The Right Contractor For Asbestos Removal ?