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Few Secrets Of Professional Painters You Didn't Know

If you've ever painted a room, you know how much time and energy goes into the process. And if you're painting a whole house, the task can seem downright daunting. That's why it pays to call in the pros—but what are the secrets of professional Painters Melbourne that regular DIYers don't know?


Painters Melbourne


Prepping walls.


For a professional-looking paint job, it's important to use the right tools. Preparation is key—if you treat your walls without prepping them properly, they won't stick to the surface of your wall. This means that you'll have to sand and prime them again, which can be time consuming and expensive if not done right the first time. 

  • Wash down the walls with soap and water or a degreaser like TSP or Simple Green® Cleaners Cleaner Degreaser (5l). This will remove any dirt or grime from them so that they're ready for priming!
  • Using an electric sander (you can buy one at Home Depot), sand away any imperfections in the wall until smooth (or as smooth as possible).

Cutting in.


Cutting in is the most important part of painting. It's what separates a good painter from a great one. If you're going to do it right, you need to use the right tools and materials.

  • Use a good brush. A cheap brush will only shed bristles and make your work look sloppy, and if you're using an expensive one for cutting in, why not mix it with some cheaper ones for your main coat? That way all your brushes are ready for use when it comes time to finish off the job with another coat or two of paint.
  • Use a good paintbrush size that matches the surface you're painting (i.e., small trim areas require smaller brushes). You can't get smooth edges by using too large of a brush; they'll just appear jagged when viewed up close! And remember: bigger isn't always better!



Priming the walls before painting is a must. Primer helps paint stick to the wall and last longer, but it can also be tinted with a color that matches your walls. In fact, many professional painters will use an off-white or light gray primer to create a clean base for their interior shades of white. 


This is especially true if you're going with an accent color in your home, like red or yellow; they'll use a primer in those shades so they don't have to go back over them after they've been painted over by another artist's handiwork!


Touch up prep.


Touch up paint is a great way to cover up any small mistakes you make as you're painting, but it can be difficult to keep your touch-up looking professional. Before applying the touch-up paint, make sure that all surfaces are clean and free of dust and debris. 


Then use a wide soft brush or rag to apply the paint evenly over the area where you need to fix a mistake. When done, remove any excess touch-up with a cloth dampened with mineral spirits (paint thinner).


Touch up paint.


Touch up paint can be used to cover small blemishes. For example, if your kid gets into a fight with the neighbors' dog and bites off part of its ear, you could use touch up paint to cover the damage.


Touch up paint is available in many colors and can be used to conceal stains as well as scratches on your walls or furniture. If your pet has an accident on your rug, you could use touch up paint to get rid of any visible reminders that it happened there in the first place!




Well, I hope this advice has helped you to understand a little more about how professionals paint. We understand that it can be intimidating to hire an outside company to perform work on your home, but at the end of the day, we're just people like you!


 It's important to have trust in your painters; if you don't feel comfortable with them or their methods then don't hire them. 


But if you do have any questions about painting or would like some help deciding what color would look best in your space then please contact Painters Melbourne today!